Organic Landscape Design Xeriscape Experts Serving North Dallas Neighborhoods

Organic food is what God intended we eat. A long time ago, farmers wanted to make more money but their harvests were small due to pests like rodents, birds, and insects getting to the food even before it ripened. They didn't just raise prices in an attempt to make more money from their small crops so they sought ways to increase their crops in quantity since most of it was sold by weight. Green house structures for entire farms was not an option since the costs to build them would greatly increase their sale price to make profit then no one would buy their harvests. The idea of eliminating or greatly reducing the threat of rodent herds, bird flocks, and insect swarms came to mind. They only way to accomplish that was killing them. Killing them with poisons. Farmers couldn't just track down these pests so they had to put poisons directly on the crops. Yes friend, farmers wanted money more than any concern of other people also eating those poisons. We all know farmers don't eat the food they grow after being sprayed with poisons so why would you?

Fast forward a few more years... The best customers of farmers were restaurant and grocery store owners. They added on to the idea of 'more for less'. Boom! More profit for less work became a way of life. These "good customers" of farmers pretty much indirectly forced the farmers to use more insecticides. The "power play" became a thing. People with money became companies with money and those companies chased after even more money. See the evolution from natural to un-natural? Can we say money is "King"? Money also became power for the Healthcare Industry. You are what you eat! Your diet affects your body AND mind.

× Who among you would give your child a snake when child asks for a fish?

If you wouldn't eat it or have your love ones eat it, is it bad?

Gardens For Texas - Dallas Landscape and Design  VEGETABLE GARDENS

Organic food is only a few months away after Gardens For Texas builds and preps your vegetable gardens. Our technique is to build organic soil containers so rabbits, squirrels and other rodents have a hard time reaching YOUR food. All depending on client's requirements, we can cage your vegetable garden making it harder for those hungry rodents to get your food before you do. Cherry Tomatoes anyone?! There will be plenty. For the organic enthusiast with a large plot, you really want to grow your own vine fruit, right? Cantaloupe are amazing.

Gardens For Texas - Dallas Landscape and Design  HERB GARDENS

Do you like to toss in freshly cut herbs in your meals? So do we! How about we install a large herb garden in a well ventilated area really close to your kitchen? Would that work for you? Just promise to invite our crew over for that delicious sauce you're going to conjure up. Or not, that's fine. The fun part is installing large pockets of herb gardens.

"Remember to only harvet just enough for the meal.
That way the ingrediants are always fresh!" --wise woman

Did you know grape vines can grow in Texas? It's true
plot community garden landscape design and installation of Dallas TX
Gardens For Texas - Dallas Landscape and Design Tending to GFT plot
organic vegetable garden
Gardens For Texas - Dallas Landscape and Design Organic vegetables
Vertical Herb Garden
Gardens For Texas - Dallas Landscape and Design Organic vegetables and herbs
Want to grow your own food?
We build raised beds for your farm.